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Merville-Franceville Located in the Merville coastal battery casemate, the museum retraces the Sixth British Airborne operations. Place du 9ème Bataillon, 14810 Merville-Franceville, Tel. 02 31 91 47 53


Pegasus Bridge



The capture of Pegasus Bridge was a remarkable achievement of the Glider Pilot regiment and the Sixth British Airborne. The story is well covered in the museum where exhibits include the original Pégasus Bridge and a Horsa Glider. Several monuments to the Sixth British Airborne are beside the bridge. Avenue du Major Howard - 14860 Ranville, Tel. 02 31 78 19 44 (£2.85)



In a former artillery range-finding post on the Atlantic Wall, this 17 meter high concrete tower is the only one of its kind and has been restored and
re-equipped to its original state. Avenue du 6 Juin 14150 Ouistreham Tél, 02 31 97 28 69



Site de Bernieres-sur-Mer
Juno Beach Center

This pretty seaside village is distinguished by its church with a 13th century bell tower and 220-foot spire. La Maison Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada commemorates the men of this regiment. The house is one the famous houses on the beach as it appeared in many news reels and official photos. Memorials to the Queen’s Own Rifles, Le Regiment de la Chaudière and Fort Garry Horse are located by a German bunker at La Place du Canada. There is an excellent view of the beach from the bunker position and you can imagine what it must have been like when 800 men of the Queens’s Own Rifles stormed ashore here as the lead wave of the dramatic D-Day assault. There are also the North Nova Scotia Highlanders plaque and Journalists HQ plaque. There is a walkway on the seawall that makes for a pleasant stroll along the ocean. If you walk east along the seawall about ½ km, you can see the house that appears in the background on the famous film footage showing the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada storming the beach on D-Day.

Se samma byggnad på morgonen 6 juni 1944
Landstigning JUNO i färg 


Sainte Mere-Eglise

Located in a large park just in front of Sainte-Mere-Eglise, the Airborne Museum tells you about the airdropping of the 82nd and 101st American Airborne Divisions that made this place the first  liberated town in France.






Built on the site of the artificial harbour. Its vestiges can still be seen, a few hundred yards away from the store

On June 6th 1944, some 4,126 Allied ships successfully achieved the greatest landings in History on the beaches of Normandy, taking the Germans totally by surprise.




Omaha Beach

There was haze and smoke everywhere on the beach. I came off the right side of ramp and inflated the belt around my waist... A machine gun was firing into the water about 60 feet ahead, I could tell by the splash of the bullets that it was coming from the right or west par of the beach. The bullets were moving toward me and I was walking toward them with no place to go or hide...




US cemetery
Colleville Sur Mer


One veteran told historian Stephen Ambrose that "Face downward, as far as eyes could see in either direction were the huddled bodies of men living, wounded, and dead, as tightly packed as cigars in a box… Everywhere, the frantic cry, 'Medics, hey, Medics,' could be heard above the horrible din." Indeed, for some the racket was worst of all: "The noise," said another, "always the noise, naval gunfire, small arms, artillery, and mortar fire, aircraft overhead, engine noises, the shouting and the cries of the wounded". But the sounds weren't what one soldier, who'd been wounded after coming ashore in one of the subsequent assault waves, remembered: "As I painfully walked back to the beach, thousands of parts of bodies lined it. They were floating, heads, arms, legs. I realized what being in the first wave was all about."




Pointe du Hoc

Här finns inget museum, men platsen har bevarats så gott som intakt från 1944. Därför är den väl värd ett besök.
Länken går till en "ganska privat" sida med personliga foton som ger en bra bild av Pointe du Hoc.





Staden som ligger endast några kilometer från stränderna (Gold). Ytterst lämplig som bas för verksamheten.
Här finns sevärdheter som räcker långt.....
Bayeuxtapeten - 70 meter lång, som visar Wilhelm Erövrarens anfall och seger över England vid Hastings 1066
Katedralen - med utsökt arkitektur, samt kryptor att gå ner i om man törs...
Kyrkogård - här finns britternas största krigskyrkogård med soldater från 1944
Gourmet - här finns boulangerier längs hela huvudgatan. Glöm pizza och kebab, Du är i Frankrike !





Är man nära kusten, så skall man äta fisk eller musselsoppa eller ostron !   Vi är nära kusten.
Är man i Normandie måste man äta brie. Bättre ost finns inte. I så fall är den olaglig !
Är man sugen på vin redan till lunch, så befinner man sig i rätt land för att få valfri färg, mängd och prisklass.
Sniglar, gåslever, hummer osv.     V g välj - v g svälj !